AI4Health 2023
Participant Comments
The below are anonymous comments provided by participants when they filled out our program evaluation.
What was your favorite thing about the conference?
“The format allowed for great discussions among the experts.”
“Learning about so many different perspectives on what’s going on in this field.”
“Listening to experts in the field of AI.
“Future of medicine.”
How will participation in this program result in improving patient outcomes?
“Using algorithms to identify patients needing additional resources.”
“Enabling efficient utilization of project management for AI implementation.”
“Improve awareness of what direction healthcare is headed in and opportunities for AI to advance health care and medicine.”
“Collaborative research work will lead to better clinical outcome.”
“Increased understanding between the parties involved in this endeavor will go a long way with time.”
“Provide better support for AI use.”
Additional Comments
“I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the online AI foundations class. After completing this course I intend to watch some of the lectures again, hopefully to better understand some of the concepts.”
“Great venue. I love being able to take my family to Disney as part of the conference…”